Next Generation Sequencing in the Laboratory

With next generation sequencing (NGS) comes the power to change medicine, to personalize patient treatment, to improve patient outcomes.  But before we become overly optimistic, recall what we learned in our last discussion – that use of NGS in the clinic possesses some limiting factors, one of which is our incomplete understanding of cancer.  For personalized medicine to be effective, cancer scientists need to have an in-depth understanding of the biology behind cancer.  For those of us toiling away in the research field, utilizing NGS has become a new tool for deciphering intricate cancer networks.

In today’s discussion, we’ll uncover how a group of researchers based in Portland Oregon used NGS to assess the RNA levels or transcript levels of genes controlled by the tumor-promoting oncogene c-MYC in a breast cancer cell line (for an explanation of the relationship between RNA and DNA, look here).  In this report, the use of RNAseq (the NGS technology used to looked at RNA levels) composes only a small, though critical, fraction of the overall study.  It also represents the utility of NGS technology in basic research.

In this article the authors built on their previous work assessing the 
stability of c-MYC.  This paper delves into the nitty-gritty of specific protein interactions and their effects at the functional level.  To set the stage, let’s introduce the key players.  First of all, the main actor is c-MYC, a transcription that induces transcription and expression of numerous pro-survival keys.  PP2A is a phosphatase that alters c-MYC’s appearance (phosphorylation) to surrounding proteins effectively leading to c-MYC degradation and loss of its activity.  SET and CIP2A are new to me and new to the c-MYC story.  They inhibit PP2A by binding and preventing its interaction with c-MYC.  In this way, these two proteins act as activators of c-MYC.  See Figure 1.    

When activated, SET and CIP2A enhance c-MYC activity and promote a pro-growth, pro-tumorigenic environment.  In this study, the researchers show that decreased expression of these two genes independently decreases the tumorigenic potential of cells, both reducing proliferation and slowing tumor growth in mice.  As an alternative to decreasing SET expression, the use of a drug that targets and inhibits SET generates a similar effect: c-MYC activity decreased and tumor progression was slowed.  This type of data has implications into new treatment options, in particular, as an indirect way to target c-MYC and its pleiotropic effects on tumorigenesis.

Why are we talking about this paper?  Because they used next generation sequencing.  Apart from the mechanistic details outlined in this paper describing how SET and CIP2A activate c-MYC, this article also looks on the overall scheme in which SET and CIP2A are expressed using NGS.  In this context, the NGS technology used was specifically aimed at the RNA level – called RNAseq.  Recall that genes (DNA) code for RNA (in a process called transcription – the function of c-MYC), which code for protein.  Because mRNA and protein are translated in a one-to-one ratio, the level of mRNA is directly proportional to the level of protein expression.  In this study, the authors used RNAseq to assess the levels of SET and CIP2A expression in breast cancer cell lines.  They found that both SET and CIP2A expression were elevated in breast cancer cell lines.  Importantly, this observation was validated with alternative methods in both cell lines and in breast cancer patient tumor samples.  The observation of increased SET and CIP2A mRNA levels correlates well with the well-established observation of enhanced c-MYC expression and activity in breast cancer.  This was further validated with one final experiment: assessing if SET and CIP2A modulate c-MYC transcriptional activity.  Using RNAseq again, the authors looked at genes known to be under the transcriptional control of c-MYC.  As expected deregulation of SET and/or CIP2A decreases phosphorylation of c-MYC and leads to an overall decrease in MYC’s activity.

Where do we go from here?

As for patients, NGS, has the capability to provide large amounts of data to the cancer researcher regarding alterations in their cell lines, tumor models, or drug treatments.  Currently, NGS provides the most accurate, in-depth read-out for genetic information. 

Although the use of this technology, particularly RNAseq, in the basic research laboratory is growing in popularity, several concerns arise.  First of all, like in clinical settings, NGS produces very large datasets that need to be sifted through, organized, and made understandable.  For a basic laboratory without the appropriate personnel and training, this is a major roadblock.  Additionally, outsourcing NGS technology can be costly and often times this cost is prohibitive to basic scientists on tight financial budgets.  For those that overcome these hurdles, such as the authors of our current article, adding NGS technology to your study is attractive and can give your paper the push it needs to get published. 

Scientists possess additional tools, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, to answer similar questions.  And we must decide which tool is most appropriate.  I would argue that in the current study, using RNAseq, screening the entire transcriptome, to assess levels of a select handful of genes (out of 10s of thousands) seems excessive.  Less costly, more focused approaches would yield the same answer.

Other concerns arose while reading this paper that center on the use of appropriate controls and validation of their results with alternative methods.  However, the story is convincing: inhibition of SET or CIP2A inhibits c-MYC and tumor progression in a breast cancer setting.  This piece of information provides a direction for the development of therapeutic interventions focused on c-MYC.  It’s not clear that NGS was necessary to reach this direction, but it helped move the story along way.

Today’s CancerUncovered morsel: watch for more NGS in the research laboratory as it gains momentum!


Janghorban M., Farrell AS, Allen-Petersen BL, et al.  Targeting c-MYC by antagonizing PP2A inhibitors in breast cancer.  2014.  PNAS 111(25):9157-62.

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